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Configure AD as User Store

With Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS), network administrators and users have access to directory data. In AD DS, for instance, a user's name, password, phone number, and so on, is stored and enabled for other authorized users on the same network to access. Active Directory stores information about network objects and makes it easy to find and use this information for administrators and users. Based on a hierarchical, logical structure, Active Directory organizes directory information by using a structured data store.

miniOrange provides user authentication from various external sources, which can be Directories (like ADFS, Microsoft Active Directory, Azure AD, OpenLDAP, Google, AWS Cognito etc), Identity Providers (like Okta, Shibboleth, Ping, OneLogin, KeyCloak), Databases (like MySQL, Maria DB, PostgreSQL) and many more.

Given below are the steps to configure AD as User Store connect it with miniorange broker to single sign-on into using SAML protocol.

1. Setup AD as User Store

  • Click on External Directories >> Add Directory in the left menu of the dashboard.
  • Configure User Store

  • Select Directory type as AD/LDAP.
  • Select AD/LDAP as user store

    1. STORE LDAP CONFIGURATION IN MINIORANGE: Choose this option if you want to keep your configuration in miniOrange. If active directory is behind a firewall, you will need to open the firewall to allow incoming requests to your AD.
    2. STORE LDAP CONFIGURATION ON PREMISE: Choose this option if you want to keep your configuration in your premise and only allow access to AD inside premises. You will have to download and install miniOrange gateway in your premise.
    3. Select ad/ldap user store type

  • Enter LDAP Display Name and LDAP Identifier name.
  • Select Directory Type as Active Directory.
  • Enter the LDAP Server URL or IP Address against LDAP Server URL field.
  • Click on Test Connection button to verify if you have made a successful connection with your LDAP server.
  • Configure LDAP server URL Connection

  • In Active Directory, go to the properties of user containers/OU's and search for Distinguished Name attribute.
  • Configure user bind account domain name

  • Enter the valid Bind account Password.
  • Click on Test Bind Account Credentials button to verify your LDAP Bind credentials for LDAP connection.
  • Check bind account credentials

  • Search Base is the location in the directory where the search for a user begins. You will get this from the same place you got your Distinguished name.
  • Configure user search base

  • Select a suitable Search filter from the drop-down menu. To use custom Search Filter select "Write your Custom Filter" option and customize it accordingly.
  • Select user search filter

  • You can also configure following options while setting up AD. Enable Activate LDAP in order to authenticate users from AD/LDAP. Click on the Save button to add user store.
  • Activate LDAP options

    Here's the list of the attributes and what it does when we enable it. You can enable/disable accordingly.

    Attribute Description
    Activate LDAP All user authentications will be done with LDAP credentials if you Activate it
    Sync users in miniOrange Users will be created in miniOrange after authentication with LDAP
    Fallback Authentication If LDAP credentials fail then user will be authenticated through miniOrange
    Allow users to change password This allows your users to change their password. It updates the new credentials in your LDAP server
    Enable administrator login On enabling this, your miniOrange Administrator login authenticates using your LDAP server
    Show IdP to users If you enable this option, this IdP will be visible to users
    Send Configured Attributes If you enable this option, then only the attributes configured below will be sent in attributes at the time of login

2. Test Connection

  • After this, it will show you the list of User stores. Click on Test Connection to check whether you have enter valid details. For that, it will ask for username and password.
  • Test AD/Ldap connection

  • On Successful connection with LDAP Server, a success message is shown.

3. Test Attribute Mapping

  • Click on Test Attribute Mapping.
  • LDAP successful connection

  • Enter a valid Username. Then, click on Test. Mapped Attributes corresponding to the user are fetched.
  • Fetch mapped attributes for user

  • After successful Attribute Mapping Configuration, go back to the ldap configuration and enable Activate LDAP in order to authenticate users from AD/LDAP.
  • Refer our guide to setup LDAP on windows server.

4. User Import and Provisioning from AD

  • Go to Settings >> Product Settings in the Customer Admin Account.
  • miniOrange dashboard

  • Enable the "Enable User Auto Registration" option and click Save.
  • Enable User Auto Registration

  • (Optional) To send a welcome email to all the end users that will be imported, enable the "Enable sending Welcome Emails after user registration" option and click Save.
  • Enable sending Welcome Emails after user registration

  • From the Left-Side menu of the dashboard select Provisioning.
  • User Sync/Provisioning

  • In Setup Provisioning tab select Active Directory in the Select Application drop-down.
  • Toggle the Import Users tab, click on Save button.
  • User Sync Active Directory Configuration

  • On the same section, switch to Import Users section.
  • Select Active Directory from the dropdown and click on the Import Users tab, to import all the users from Active Directory to miniOrange.
  • User Sync Import Operation

  • You can view all the Users you have imports by selecting Users >> User List from Left Panel.
  • User List

  • All the imported users will be auto registered.
  • These groups will be helpful in adding multiple 2FA policies on the applications.

5. Configure your application in miniOrange


If you have already configured your application in miniOrange you can skip the following steps.

  • Click on Create App under SAML.
  • Click on Create SAML App

  • Search for your Application. In case you do not find your app, search for Custom SAML App.
  • Search for your SAML App

    Configure SAML Application

  • Get the ACS URL and SP Entity ID from your application.
  • Enter the following values OR click on Import SP Metadata:
  • Service Provider Name Choose appropriate name according to your choice
    SP Entity ID or Issuer Your Application Entity ID
    ACS URL X.509 Certificate (optional) Your Application Assertion Consumer Service URL
    NameID format  Select urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress
    Response Signed Unchecked
    Assertion Signed Checked
    Encrypted Assertion Unchecked
    Group policy Default
    Login Method
  • Click on Save to configure your application.
  • Now to get the IDP metadata of the app configured, Go to apps >> your_app >> select >> metadata tab.
  • Go to the metadata section

  • Click on the Show Metadata details in the Information required to Authenticate via External IDPs section. Download the metadata XML file by clicking on Download Metadata button or copy the Metadata URL link.
  • Downlaod metadata - URL

  • You need to Upload this metadata in your application.
  • Click on Create App under OAuth/OIDC. Click on Open ID Connect App .
  •  Add OAuth openIDConnect app

  • You can add any OAuth Client app here to enable miniOrange as OAuth Server. Few popular OAuth client apps for single sign-on are Salesforce, WordPress, Joomla, Atlassian, etc.
  • Select your OAuth openIDConnect app

    Configure OAth AddopenIDConnect app

  • Enter following Values:
  • Client Name Add appropriate Name
    Redirect URL Get the Redirect-URL from your OAuth Client
    Description Add if required
    Group Name Default
    Policy Name
    Login Method
  • Click on Save
  • Now to provide the required data to OAuth client go to the app configured i.e apps >> your_app >> select >> edit.
  • Edit OAuth editOpenidConnect app

    OAuth openidConnect app endpoints

    Note: Choose the Authorization Endpoint according to the identity source you configure.

  • When you want to use you want to use miniOrange as OAuth identity server use this endpoint: https://{mycompany.domainname.com}/moas/idp/openidsso
  • If you are configuring any Identity Provider in Identity Providers Menu and not using miniOrange as IDP use this endpoint: https://{mycompany.domainname.com}/broker/login/oauth{customerid}
  • Click on Create App under JWT.
  • Click n External JWT app

  • Select JWT App.
  • SelectJWT app

  • Configure the name for your application and configure Redirect-URL which tells where to send JWT response. Redirect-URL should be an endpoint on your application where you want to achieve SSO.
  • Configure JWT App

    In case you are setting up SSO with Mobile Applications where you can't create an endpoint for Redirect or Callback URL, use below URL.


  • Click Save
  • To get the SSO link for your application, Go to Apps >> your_app >> select >> Edit.
  • Get SSO Link

  • Then, copy the Single Sign On Url and verify SSO setup by browsing that url.
  •  SSO URL

  • On successful authentication, you will be redirected to configured Redirect or Callback URL with JWT token
  • You will need to download a certificate from App > Manage Apps, and click Certificate link against your configured application. This certificate will be used for signature validation of JWT response.
  • Download certificate to proceed with SSO

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