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Adaptive Authentication Report

  • This report shows the details related to adaptive authentications enabled for the users. The admin can check the status of the adaptive authentication for a user login along with the user login attributes for the login session and the type of adaptive authentication prompted to the user.
  • Go to Reports >> Adaptive Authentication Report.
  • You will have to provide the following details to get a report result
    1. End User Email
    2. Start and End Date
    3. Type of Action : Can be Allow, Deny and Challenge
    4. Did User Register when Prompted? : If passed this only shows the results where the user has registered a device profile.
    miniOrange Identity Platform Admin Handbook: Adaptive authentication

  • In the report result you will be able to see the user details along with the adaptive authentication attributes and the user session attributes such as the IP address and the location.
  • miniOrange Identity Platform Admin Handbook: Adaptive authentication reports

  • You can click on the ‘+’ button on the to view additional attributes from the report result or click on the PDF or CSV button to export the report.