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How to add a Radius App

  • Go to Apps Click on Add Application button.
  • miniOrange Identity Platform Admin Handbook: Add Application

  • click on RADIUS as Application type.
  • miniOrange Identity Platform Admin Handbook: Radius app type

  • Click on your required application tab. If you don't find your application click on the Radius Client application tab.
  • miniOrange Identity Platform Admin Handbook: Search Radius

  • Configure the below details in Basic Settings and Attribute Mapping to add Radius Client.
  • miniOrange Identity Platform Admin Handbook: Radius Details

    Client Name: Any name for your reference.
    Client IP: IP address of VPN server which will send Radius authentication request.
    Shared Secret: Security key. For Eg. "sharedsecret" (Keep this with you, you will need to configure same on VPN Server).
    Include Password & OTP in same Request Check this option for clients which takes password and the OTP in same request. Otherwise keep it unchecked.
    Send Groups in Response Enable this to send user groups as Vendor-Specific Group Attributes.
  • Configure the following values in Login Policy for the Radius Client.
  • miniOrange Identity Platform Admin Handbook: Radius Login Policy Details

    Group Name: Group for which the policy will apply.
    Policy Name: Any Identifier that specifies policy name.
    Login Method Login Method for the users associated with this policy.
    Enable 2-Factor Authentication Enables Second Factor during Login for users associated with this policy.
    Enable Adaptive Authentication Enables Adaptive Authentication for Login of users associated with this policy.
  • After configuring the given above details, Click on Save button.
  • Copy and save the Radius server IPs which will be required to configure your Radius client.
  • miniOrange Identity Platform Admin Handbook: Radius IPs

      NOTE: Follow the below steps before testing the connectivity.

    1. Open Firewall Ports.
    2. In order to receive the RADIUS request, it is necessary to open UDP traffic on ports 1812 and 1813 for the machine where On-Premise IdP is deployed.
    3. If the hosting machine is a Windows Machine then you can follow this document.
    4. If the hosting machine is a Linux Machine then you can follow this document.