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How to add a Passwordless App

  • Login to the Admin Console.
  • Go to Apps >> Add Application
  • miniOrange Identity Platform Admin Handbook: Add Apps

  • Click on the Passwordless App tab.
  • miniOrange Identity Platform Admin Handbook: Passwordless app type

  • Add the following details to configure your app -
  • miniOrange Identity Platform Admin Handbook: passwordless App details

    1. Application Name : Type of your application
    2. Custom Application Name : The display name of the application that will be visible to the user
    3. Description : Any additional information that you would like to add.
    4. Redirect URL : The URL where the user should be redirected on clicking the application tab.
    5. Upload App Logo : Upload any custom logo for your application
    miniOrange Identity Platform Admin Handbook: Passwordless app policy App policy

  • In Login policy, you can choose the specific group of users from the dropdown for which you want to enable the policy. Provide a policy name and you can enable either2 Factor Authentication (MFA) or Adaptive Authentication .
  • Click Save.