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Single Sign-On for Gmail
miniOrange SSO solution provides secure access to Gmail for enterprises and full control over access of Gmail application. Single Sign-on (SSO) into your Gmail Account with one set of login credentials.

Gmail SSO

Single Single Sign-on(SSO) solution for Gmail is a cloud based service. With this service you need only one password for all your web & SaaS apps including Gmail. miniOrange provides secure access and full control to Gmail for enterprises and applications. With the help of the given guide you can configure Gmail easily.

miniOrange Identity Management Features

miniOrange supports both IdP (Identity Provider) and SP (Service Provider) initiated Single Sign On (SSO)

We can connect with any External IDP/Directory

miniOrange provides user authentication from external directories like ADFS, Microsoft Active Directory, Azure AD, OpenLDAP, Google, AWS Cognito etc. It also provides user authentication with other IDPs like Shibboleth, PING, Okta, OneLogin, KeyCloak and many more.

Can't find your IDP ? Contact us on idpsupport@xecurify.com. We'll help you set it up in no time.

Follow the Step-by-Step Guide given below for Gmail Single Sign-on (SSO)

Step 1: Configure Gmail in miniOrange

  • Login into miniOrange Admin Console.
  • Go to Apps >> Manage Apps.
  • Gmail Single Sign-On (SSO) manage apps

  • Click on Add Applicaton button.
  • Gmail Single Sign-On (SSO) add app

  • In Choose Application Type click on Create App button in SAML/WS-FED application type.
  • Gmail Single Sign-On (SSO) choose app type

  • In the next step, search for your application from the list, if your application is not found. Search for "custom" and you can set up your app via Custom SAML App.
  • Gmail Single Sign-On (SSO) manage apps

  • Enter the SP Entity ID or Issuer as google.com.
  • Enter the ACS URL as https://www.google.com/a/[domain_name]/acs.
  • Enter the Single Logout URL as https://mail.google.com/a/out/tld/?logout.
  • Configure Gmail Single Sign-On (SSO) configure app

  • Click Next, now in the Attribute Mapping configure attributes according to your choice.
  • Configure Gmail Single Sign-On (SSO) attribute mapping

  • Click on the Save button.
  • Your application is saved successfully. Now click on the Select button against your newly created application. Go to Metadata.
  • Edit Gmail for Single Sign-On (SSO) metadata link

  • On the Metadata page -

    1. If you want to use miniOrange as User Store i.e., your user identities will be stored in miniOrange then download the metadata file under the heading 'INFORMATION REQUIRED TO SET MINIORANGE AS IDP'.

    2. If you want to authenticate your users via any external Identity Provider like Active Directory, Okta, OneLogin, Google, Apple ID, etc then download the Metadata file under the heading 'INFORMATION REQUIRED TO AUTHENTICATE VIA EXTERNAL IDPS.
  • Gmail Single Sign-On (sso) Add SAML Application

  • Keep SAML Login URL , SAML Logout URL and click on the Download Certificate button to download certificate which you will require in Step 3.
  • Gmail Single Sign-On (SSO) configuration steps

Step 2: Choose Your User Directory

2.1: Setup AD as User Directory

  1. Login to miniOrange dashboard from the Admin Console.
  2. From the left side menu, click on User Stores >> Add User Store.
  3. Gmail Single Sign-On (SSO) configure user store

  4. Select User Store type as AD/LDAP.
  5. GmailSingle Sign-On (SSO)Select AD/LDAP as user store

    1. STORE LDAP CONFIGURATION IN MINIORANGE: Choose this option if you want to keep your configuration in miniOrange. If active directory is behind a firewall, you will need to open the firewall to allow incoming requests to your AD.
    2. STORE LDAP CONFIGURATION ON PREMISE: Choose this option if you want to keep your configuration in your premise and only allow access to AD inside premises. You will have to download and install miniOrange gateway in your premise.
    3. Gmail Single Sign-On (SSO) select ad/ldap user store type

  6. Enter LDAP Display Name and LDAP Identifier name.
  7. Select Directory Type as Active Directory.
  8. Enter the LDAP Server URL or IP Address against LDAP Server URL field.
  9. Click on Test Connection button to verify if you have made a successful connection with your LDAP server.
  10. Gmail  Single Sign-On (SSO)configure LDAP server URL Connection

  11. In Active Directory, go to the properties of user containers/OU's and search for Distinguished Name attribute.
  12. Gmail  Single Sign-On (SS0)configure user bind account domain name

  13. Enter the valid Bind account Password.
  14. Click on Test Bind Account Credentials button to verify your LDAP Bind credentials for LDAP connection.
  15. Gmail  Single Sign-On (SS0)check bind account credentials

  16. Search Base is the location in the directory where the search for a user begins. You will get this from the same place you got your Distinguished name.
  17. Gmail  Single Sign-On (SSO) configure user search base

  18. Select a suitable Search filter from the drop-down menu. To use custom Search Filter select "Custom Search Filter" option and customize it accordingly.
  19. Gmail Single Sign-On (SSO)select user search filter

  20. You can also configure following options while setting up AD. Enable Activate LDAP in order to authenticate users from AD/LDAP. Click on the Save button to add user store.
  21. Gmail Single Sign-On (SSO) Activate ldap options

    Here's the list of the attributes and what it does when we enable it. You can enable/disable accordingly.

    Attribute Description
    Activate LDAP All user authentications will be done with LDAP credentials if you Activate it
    Sync users in miniOrange Users will be created in miniOrange after authentication with LDAP
    Backup Authentication If LDAP credentials fail then user will be authenticated through miniOrange
    Allow users to change password This allows your users to change their password. It updates the new credentials in your LDAP server
    Enable administrator login On enabling this, your miniOrange Administrator login authenticates using your LDAP server
    Show IdP to users If you enable this option, this IdP will be visible to users
    Send Configured Attributes If you enable this option, then only the attributes configured below will be sent in attributes at the time of login

  22. Click on Save. After this, it will show you the list of User stores. Click on Test Configuration to check whether you have enter valid details. For that, it will ask for username and password.
  23. Gmail Single Sign-On (SSO)test AD/Ldap connection

  24. On Successful connection with LDAP Server, a success message is shown.
  25. Click on Test Attribute Mapping.
  26. Gmail Single Sign-On (SSO) LDAP successful connection

  27. Enter a valid Username. Then, click on Test. Mapped Attributes corresponding to the user are fetched.
  28. Gmail Single Sign-On (SSO)Fetch mapped attributes for user

  29. After successful Attribute Mapping Configuration, go back to the ldap configuration and enable Activate LDAP in order to authenticate users from AD/LDAP.
  30. Refer our guide to setup LDAPS on windows server.

2.2: Setup miniOrange as a User Store

  1. Log in to miniOrange Admin Console.
  2. There are 3 ways to setup miniOrange as an Identity Source

    2.2.1 Create User in miniOrange

    • Click on Users >> Add User.
    • Gmail Single Sign-On (SSO)add user in miniOrange

    • Here, fill the user details without the password and then click on the Create User button.
    • GmailSingle Sign-On (SSO) add user details

    • After successful user creation a notification message "An end user is added successfully" will be displayed at the top of the dashboard.
    • GmailSingle Sign-On (SSO) add user details

    • Click on Onboarding Status tab. Check the email, with the registered e-mail id and select action Send Activation Mail with Password Reset Link from Select Action dropdown list and then click on Apply button.
    • Gmail Single Sign-On (SSO) email action

    • Now, Open your email id. Open the mail you get from miniOrange and then click on the link to set your account password.
    • On the next screen, enter the password and confirm password and then click on the Single Sign-On (SSO) reset password button.
    • Gmail reset user password
    • Now, you can log in into miniOrange account by entering your credentials.

    2.2.2 Bulk Upload Users in miniOrange via Uploading CSV File.

    • Navigate to Users >> User List. Click on Add User button.
    • Gmail Single Sign-On (SSO)add user via bulk upload

    • In Bulk User Registration Download sample csv format from our console and edit this csv file according to the instructions.
    • Gmail Single Sign-On (SSO) download sample csv file

    • To bulk upload users, choose the file make sure it is in comma separated .csv file format then click on Upload.
    • Gmail Single Sign-On (SSO) bulk upload user

    • After uploading the csv file successfully, you will see a success message with a link.
    • Click on that link you will see list of users to send activation mail. Select users to send activation mail and click on Send Activation Mail. An activation mail will be sent to the selected users.

    2.2.3 Self User Registration

    • miniOrange self user registration allows end users to register themselves using customized registration form. miniOrange admin users can customize the registration form by adding more custom fields according to their choice. Follow the miniOrange guide to customize user self registration page.

Step 3: Setup SSO in Gmail Admin Account

  • Now login to Google Admin Console and Select Security Tab from Admin Console.
  • Gmail Single Sign On (sso) admin console

  • From listed options select Set Up Single Sign-On (SSO) with a third party idp.
  • Gmail Single Sign On (sso) admin console set sso idp

  • Enable Setup SSO with third party identity provider checkbox.
  • Enter Sign-In Page URL: SAML Login URL from Step 1.
  • Enter Sign-Out Page URL: < Base Server Url > /idp/oidc/logout?post_logout_redirect_uri=https://mail.google.com
    Example: https://login.xecurify.com/moas/idp/oidc/logout?post_logout_redirect_uri=https://mail.google.com
  • Upload the certificate (by clicking on Replace Certificate link) that was downloaded earlier in Step 1.
  • Enter Change Password URL: SAML Login URL from Step 1.
  • Save the settings.
  • Gmail Single Sign On (sso) enable third party sso

Step 4: Login to your Gmail account with miniOrange IdP by either of the two steps:

    Using SP Initiated Login

    1. Go to your Gmail URL, here you will be either asked to enter the username or click on the SSO link which will redirect you to miniOrange IdP Sign On Page.
    2. Gmail Single Sign-On (SSO) login

    3. Enter your miniOrange login credential and click on Login. You will be automatically logged in to your Gmail account.

    Using IDP Initiated Login

    1. Login to miniOrange IdP using admin credentials and select the User Dashboard from the right side menu.
    2. Gmail Single Sign-On (SSO) user dashboard

    3. Click on Gmail application which you added, to verify your SSO configuration.
    4. Gmail Single Sign-On (SSO) verify configuration

Step 5: Adaptive Authentication with Gmail

5.1: Restricting access to Gmail with IP Blocking

    You can use adaptive authentication with Gmail Single Sign-On (SSO) to improve the security and functionality of Single Sign-On. You can allow a IP Address in certain range for SSO or you can deny it based your requirements and you can also challenge the user to verify his authenticity. Adaptive authentication manages the user authentication bases on different factors such as Device ID, Location, Time of Access, IP Address and many more.

    You can configure Adaptive Authentication with IP Blocking in following way:
  • Login to Self Service Console >> Adaptive Authentication.
  • Add a Policy Name for your Adaptive Authentication Policy.
  • Gmail Single Sign-On (SSO) Restrict Access adaptive authnetication policy

  • Select your Action for behavior Change and Challenge Type for user from the Action for behavior Change Section.
  • Gmail Single Sign-On (SSO) Restrict Access adaptive authentication behavior change

    Action for behavior Change Options :

    Attribute Description
    Allow Allow user to authenticate and use services if Adaptive authentication condition is true.
    Challenge Challenge users with one of the three methods mentioned below for verifying user authenticity.
    Deny Deny user authentications and access to services if Adaptive authentication condition is true.

    Challenge Type Options :

    Attribute Description
    User second Factor The User needs to authenticate using the second factor he has opted or assigned for such as
  • OTP over SMS
  • PUSH Notofication
  • OTP over Email
  • And 12 more methods.
  • KBA (Knowledge-based authentication) The System will ask user for 2 of 3 questions he has configured in his Self Service Console. Only after right answer to both questions user is allowed to proceed further.
    OTP over Alternate Email User will receive a OTP on the alternate email he has configured threw Self Service Conolse. Once user provides the correct OTP he is allowed to proceed further.

  • Now Enable Enable IP Restriction option from the IP RESTRICTION CONFIGURATION section to configure custom IP range.
  • Gmail Single Sign-On (SSO) Restrict Access adaptive authentication ip blocking

  • Select the Action you want to perform if the IP address is out of the range. i.e Allow, Challenge & Deny.
  • Specify the IP Address range for which you want above setting to reflect. You can add more than one IP Address ranges by clicking on following button +.
  • Scroll to the end and click on save.

5.2: Adaptive Authentication with Limiting number of devices.

    Using Adaptive Authentication you can also restrict the number of devices the end user can access the Services on. You can allow end users to access services on a fixed no. of devices. The end users wii be able to access services provided by us on this fixed no. of devices.

    You can configure Adaptive Authentication with Device Restriction in follwing way

  • Login to Self Service Console >> Adaptive Authentication.
  • Add a Policy Name for your Adaptive Authentication Policy.
  • Select your Action for behavior Change and Challenge Type for user from the Action for behavior Change Section.
  • Gmail Single Sign-On (SSO) Restrict Access adaptive authentication behavior and challenge type

  • Scroll down to Device Configuration section and enable Allow User to Register Device option to allow users to register their devices.
  • Enter the Number of Devices which are allowed to register in field next to Number of Device Registrations Allowed
  • Choose Action if number of devices exceeded (This will override your setting for Action for behavior Change.)
    1. Challenge: The user needs to verify himself using any of the three methods mentioned in table in step 5.1
    2. Deny : Deny users access to the system
  • Enable option Send email alerts to Users if number of Device registrations exceeded allowed count if you want to alert the user about no of devices exceeding the limit. Save the configuration.
  • Gmail Single Sign-On (SSO) Restrict Access adaptive authentication enable device restriction

5.3: Add Adaptive Authentication policy to Gmail.

  • Login to Self Service Console >> Policies.
  • Click on Edit option for predefined SAML app policy.
  • Gmail Single Sign-On (sso) edit device restriction policy

  • Set your application name in the Application and select password as Login Method.
  • Enable Adaptive Authentication on Policy page and select the required restriction method as an option.
  • From Select Login Policy dropdown select the policy we created in last step and click on save.
  • Gmail Single Sign-On (SSO) Restrict Access save device restriction policy

    How to add a trusted Device
    1. When End-user log in to the self service console after the policy for device restriction is on, he is provided the option to add the current device as a trusted device.

More Secure authentication with Two-Factor Authentication

The most practical way to strengthen authentication is to require a second factor after the username/password stage. Since a password is something that a user knows, ensuring that the user also has something or using biometrics thwarts attackers that steal or gain access to passwords.

Traditional two-factor authentication solutions use hardware tokens (or "fobs") that users carry on their keychains. These tokens generate one-time passwords for the second stage of the login process. However, hardware tokens can cost up to $40 each. It takes time and effort to distribute them, tracks who has which one, and replace them when they break. They're easy to lose, hard to use, and users consistently report high levels of frustration with token-based systems.

Your choice of the second factor

miniOrange authentication service has 15+ authentication methods.

You can choose from any of the above authentication methods to augment your password based authentication. miniOrange authentication service works with all phone types, from landlines to smart-phone platforms. In the simplest case, users just answer a phone call and press a button to authenticate. miniOrange authentication service works internationally and has customers authenticating from many countries around the world.

Why Our Customers choose miniOrange
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